10 FACTS ABOUT INDIAN HOCKEY THAT YOU PROBABLY DID NOT KNOW !! FUN FACTS – MAY 20,2020 Thought of the Day: The biggest thing of motivation is your own thoughts so, think big and motivate yourself to win. Joke of the Day: Random Fact of the Day: THE STATUE OF LIBERTY'S INDEX FINGER IS 8 FEET LONG!! Hello Friends Hope you all are doing well!! In this article you will know 10 Interesting Facts about Indian hockey. FIELD HOCKEY ABOUT HOCKEY- Hockey is a sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to man oeuvre a ball or puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick. There are many types of hockey like Field hockey, Ice Hockey...etc. Hockey is considered as the NATIONAL SPORT of INDIA. LET'S TALK ABOUT FACTS RELATED TO HOCKEY- ICE HOCKEY #1. INDIAN HOCK...
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